Administrators should be listed with manager access and all users should have editor access or lower 应该列出具有管理员权限的管理员,所有用户都应该具有编辑者或较低访问级别。
The resource manager control bits contain information specific to the resource manager accessing the security descriptor 资源管理器控制位包含特定于访问安全性说明符的资源管理器的信息。
Distributed transactions typically consume significant system resources , being managed by microsoft distributed transaction coordinator ms dtc , which integrates all of the resource managers accessed in the transaction . a promotable transaction is a special form of a 分布式事务通常占用大量的系统资源,通过microsoft分布式事务协调程序( ms dtc )管理,该协调程序集成了事务中访问的所有资源管理器。